Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Moving Mania!


Howdy pooch pals! Today I found out I have a new home to move to, I'm very excited! My owner is a bit worried about how I will adjust so she has started to make plans and organising me so it wont be so traumatic or confusing for me. Over 30,000 pets can go missing when people relocate, and it can be a stressful endeavour for even the most stable of animals, so today I shall share some advice on the process of moving to make it a happy time for you and your pooch.

Try and spread out packing your things over a prolonged amount of time, this way there isn't panic and haste in the few days before moving, and this is as good to us pups as it is for you! My puppy things should be the last things you pack, so I have all my home comforts and I wont get too stressed when I can't find my favourite toy, or my nice bed to snooze in. If you can, familiarise me with the new area I am moving to, this way I'll know the streets and won't be too shocked by the loss of my favourite lamp post or park, research the area and plan some nice walks for me to go on with you once we've moved.

On the day of moving you have to be very careful not to stress me out, it will be very confusing having all the things I know being moved out of my home, so maybe keep me in a certain room all day and make that the last room you empty, or better still, send me to visit one of my friends so I have a day of fun and don't even know about it all. When introducing me to my new home, make sure it is pup safe, and thoroughly clean it so there are no smells of previous owners or pets to distress me. Keep me on my lead and walk around the new home letting me smell things and investigate my new pooch pad, put my bed in it's place that you want it to stay in, and also place my food and water bowl in their permanent home, and don't move it once you have established yourself, I need routine and structure to be happy.

Once you're all settled after moving, during my first night make sure I have all my favourite things, spoil me and give me a lot of attention, just make sure I know this is a happy and safe place we can live together in. Give me my favourite food for dinner, so in my case some sausages, and be ready for accidents like house soiling. You may have to revisit house breaking training to establish the boundaries of my new home. Just think how confusing it is for you to be in a new home, so consider my feelings, but at the same time don't let bad habits develop because of it.

So that's the things you need to remember when moving a pooch. I can't wait for our first proper home together, and my owner is strong enough now to not need to be in and out of hospital so she is very excited too! She can't wait to be there for me everyday and I love being around her, regardless of her problems, she has worked very hard to keep hold of me and I am very grateful for her efforts, she needs me and I need her!

Ok, so I'm off to help do some packing and sorting, although I'm more of a pest taking things out of boxes as my owner puts things in, but I shall let you all know how the move goes and keep you all updated on it.

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x

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