hello again, today I have exciting news, I got microchipped today! And for the record, I did not enjoy it one bit.
It all started off with a routine visit to my vet to check my little puppy, baby teeth, as they are coming out, and whilst we were there Igaboo decided it was time for me to be chipped. The whole process took less than 30 seconds to do, but I did feel a little bit uncomfortable whilst doing it, Igaboo had to hold my body and then hold my head to one side whilst the mean (she's not nice anymore) vet lady put a needle in my nape and inserted the chip. I did squirm and whelped a little bit but as soon as it was over and I had a big cuddle from Igaboo, I was right as rain again like nothing happened. And then the biggest surprise, as we checked my teeth, another one fell out! I now only have one puppy tooth left, so soon I'll be a big doggie!
Igaboo thought the worst part was the needle, she don't like needles and nearly fainted and felt sick she told me, and she weren't even the one having it done! As we were walking home she promised to give my tooth to the puppy tooth fairy who will give me something special for it, and guess what?! When we got home I had some special puppy milk and even pate for my poorly teeth to munch on. I like the puppy tooth fairy, she doesn't make me have injections, or chips, or anything!
Other than all this I've been chilling really, the weather means my walking regime has changed a bit so I'm not out whilst it's too cold in the early morning and night, but I do have my coat now to wear, keeps me very warm and dry out in this November weather. I'm going to be pampered now with a bath and some cuddles to make up for my turmoil earlier, but the way I'm whizzing around the house you'd never know!
Puppy Kisses and Love
Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x
Yo Cous, feel it for ya babes.Igaboo knows her stuff when she was in our pad she put collers on us with little bells on Boogs had the right idea he went out one night and sold it to the Cat down the road never saw it again. You couldn't ask for a better owner her love is unconditional your a lucky pup. Next week we got a womam comeing round to give us a manicure so any ideas where we can hide send in code. Love the Cat Crew