Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Heat Cycles


Hello, now I'm not being so moody I'm going to have a deep look at the heat cycles of female puppy dogs, very important as Igaboo got all panicky this morning after seeing me covered in blood, and subsequently discovered all that is wrong was I was bleeding from my vulva as per a normal heat cycle, but going on Igaboo's advice, if in doubt, always go to your vet.

Puppies will normally hit their first heat cycle between 6-18 months of age, depending on the breed, I am nearly 7 months old, so its right on cue, you can have a bitch spayed as early as 4 months, but its best to let one cycle happen, then wait up to 90 days to get me spayed after. The regular heat cycle last about 3 weeks and contains many changes during this time. The first thing you'll notice is the vulva swelling slightly, and also my breasts/nipples swelling too, I may also look slightly bloated. Another sign is eating habits and sleeping patterns will alter slightly. You'll also notice male dogs taking an interest as they will be able to smell my heat cycle long before I display any signs of it.

The next stage happens 9-12 days in when you'll start to notice a bleeding discharge from my vulva, it will start off bright red, but gradually turn a pinky-tan colour as the eggs are released and I'm ready to be bred. At this point you'll notice I'll start flirting behavior with male dogs as I am ready in my heat cycle to mate. Igaboo doesn't want me having puppies tho, so is keeping an eye on me at all times whilst out walking and making sure I am kept away from male dogs! She wouldn't want to give my fur babies away so no pup puppies for me!

By the third week you'll begin to notice the blood will turn red again if no mating has occurred and this will trail off until the heat cycle has stopped, and that's it! Three weeks of hell every 6-12 months again depending on the breed. If you don't want puppies the best thing is to get spayed, which is a simple procedure and doesn't involve a long stay at the vets, in and out in a day. So if you have a female dog and worry about bleeding and change of behavior, then it's probably their heat cycle, but if in doubt always goto the vets!

I'm off now to munch some doggie chocolate and have a snooze, whilst Igaboo frets some more, have a lovely day folks!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Charity Work


Hello all, firstly you'd be glad to know Igaboo has recovered from her fall last week, and this sunday we are off to our local RSPCA rescue centre to help out some unfortunate pup pups and kitty cats. Charity is very important to animals, without it there would be many poor animals in desperate need and danger. I always go along too for I am a sociable pup and like to say hello to all my friends, maybe even persuade Igaboo to adopt a pal for me....

The RSPCA are a wonderful charity that helps all sorts of animals, and also helps owners who may nit be able to afford expensive treatment for their pets. They also run many campaigns to help the welfare of animals, including the Think Pig one, this one I am a keen advisory for, as I love my sausages, but Igaboo ensures we only get ones from higher welfare animals so this means the little piggies have a good life and are slaughtered humanely. This is important in the meat trade as there are so many animals being treated disgustingly and killed horrifically, soi always make sure you buy meat that is higher welfare.

There are many dogs and cats that need good forever homes from the centre, it's very easy to apply to become their owner and only involves a small donation fee, so if you are considering a pet, please consider saving a rescue animal, they will be the greatest reward in your life! Please also have a look at the RSPCA website linked across on this blog, it's full of all the charities information and also links on how to get involved yourself!

That's me for today, busy busy bee need to leave to help my friends now, have a lovely day folks

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Humpty Dumpty


Just a quick blog biscuit today, I was naughty pup pup and tripped my Igaboo down the stairs, she was hurt quite badly, but I didn't mean too,and I'm very very sorry Igaboo, I'm over giving puppy kisses to her to make up for it!

It all happened by accident you see, Igaboo was going down the stairs with some laundry and I was being a silly thing and playing around her feet, normally this isn't a problem,but because she couldn't see me,she tripped over my little self and ended up tumbling down the stairs, she took a pretty bad dive, if I do say so myself! She needed to go to hospital and everything! But luckily nothing was broken. After hospital, she came back a bit dopey from the medication they gave her but she was okay.

So now she's resting in bed and helping me type up this blog biscuit, as you can see in our picture together, although she had to move me because it was hurting her arm! So beware your four legged poochy pal and the dangers of stairs, you never know when an accident will occur!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog

x x x

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Moody Pup Pup


Hello again all, hope you're new year is getting off to a lovely start, can't believe we're nearly a month in already! Anyways, I've had exciting progress on my quest to become a big doggie, I have gone on heat for the first time, and my gosh! It makes me a moody lil' bitch, well I am bitch aren't I?!

So what are the first signs of heat you ask? Well the first sign is the boy doggies become interested, they can smell it long before any physical symptoms arise, so be careful, I'm a lady pup pup, no funny business for me! Anyways, you'll also notice my temperament will change to make me moody and touchy, like PMS for dogs, it's very noticeable, Igaboo picked up on me barking more, and having a tendency to rip up my toys rather than play with them, I'm normally very kind to them. Another early symptom is my vulva, and possibly my breasts swelling, and having a reaction that is snappy to being handles in these areas, so beware little nips and bites because I really don't wanna be fussed over. You may also notice some blood discharge, which is never nice, but normal, so don't worry!

Dogs tend to go on cycles every six months as a norm, but we vary from pup to pup, so keep an eye on your own four legged friend, it's also important to keep an eye on my heat cycles because it denotes when I can be spayed, which I think Igaboo has planned for me, she keeps this a secret,but I think she doesn't want me having puppies because she would have to keep them all!

So I'm off to bark and whinge at Igaboo, for no reason, I'm just moody ok?! Leave me alone,it's just water retention, woof woof woof woof woof!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dexy Does... Baths!


Hello all! Today's exciting Dexy Does... is that ever so tricky matter of puppy dogs and baths, and we all know how troublesome that can be! There's a long running joke that us pooches don't like baths, and this is true for most dogs, but then most dogs love water so it's all about making the dreaded task fun rather than an unwanted chore.

The first thing then is to make it a normal routine thing for your pup pup, as soon as you get your little mutty friend make sure you introduce them to the idea of baths early on, and be careful to not install any negative emotions into it, constantly reassure your pooch with verbal cues and be ready to get a bit wet! Next, make it fun! Doggies love swimming, so fill the bath right up, showers have a tendency to scare us, so a full bath is a fun swimming pool for a little pup pup like me, and then Igaboo makes it even more fun by adding rubber ducks for me to chase around whilst I swim.

Next, and this is most important, is what products to use, never use anything meant for humans as this could harm me, instead go to a reputable pet store and get the right product for your type of furry friend, I have special puppy shampoo that is kind to my fur and skin as well as no tears! Look out for products for older dogs, or long/short hair pups, or like what i use, adolescent dogs, by using the right product means you wont harm me and also give me the best care for my skin and coat. In between baths it's good to have some special dog wipe downs just to spruce me up on rainy days or if I get dirty doing naughty things like bin diving.

So that's all there is to it for baths, just remember to rinse me well and dry me off thoroughly, and probably the best tip Igaboo can give you is to wear old clothes because you will get dirty and wet! It's so fun shaking all the water over Igaboo and making her moist all over! She just laughs at me though and makes fun of me saying I look like a drowned rat, which isn't very nice. Bad Igaboo!

Next time on Dexy Does... I shall have a peek a boo at doggy socialising. Have fun 'til then folks!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog

x x x