Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!


Just a little note to wish you all a happy 2011, hopefully all your dreams will come true in the coming year and you'll know nothing but happiness.

Thank you for sticking with me during my mad adventures and life's lessons, hope to see you all next year!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog

x x x

Wednesday, December 29, 2010



Hope you all had a lovely Christmas, I did! I had fun all day getting new toys and treats, having yummy food and also my new favourite thing in the world; unwrapping presents and making a huge festive mess!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog

x x x

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas everybody! Hope you all have a wonderful day and get all you wished for. It's my first ever Christmas, I'm so excited with all the gifts and pretty trees and all the going out and seeing people, I absolutely love Christmas!!! So far today I have had a special breakfast of fresh chicken and ham, and also got to open some of my presents, oooo it's so fun ripping them open and finding nice treats inside.

Igaboo just wants me to remember that Christmas is not happy for everyone, so please think about those who have less or are alone. Igaboo was made to spend Christmas alone last year, and she said it was the worst Christmas day she ever had, so luckily she has little puppy dog Dexy to be with her this year, I've been giving her lots of hugs and puppy kisses to remind her that she's not alone, she just seems a little sad.

So think about the true spirit of Christmas, make a stranger smile, make your family proud, make your friends happy, let people know how much they mean to you, share love. And if you really try, you can even make somebody you love have their dreams come true.

Merry Christmas

Dexy Do Dah dog
x x x

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Snow Day!


Hello! Hope you're all enjoying the festive season, it snowed again here, and gee whizz, do I love snow!

Puppy Kisses and Snowflake Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog

x x x

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Winter's here!


Hello again people, I'm very excited today because of all the snow! I weren't too sure of it to begin with but once I was leaping around in the stuff I discovered it was o so much fun! It has been snowing for a few days now, but this morning was the first where it was nice and deep and good for fluffing up and covering myself in it. I've also recently discovered ice, and that is seriously fun to skate on, I like doing circles on my icy patio!

This my first ever winter, and Igaboo is doing everything she can to make sure I stay safe and healthy. Neither of us were too sure of how I would react to ice and snow, but like most dogs, I love it, it's fun to run in and sniff about it, it's o so different and new! I even had a go at trying to make snow angels, but I just made a messy dog shaped hole in the snow, Igaboo didn't seem to want to participate, well, her lost! She's too concerned making sure I stay warm, I have a coat for when I'm out on proper walks, but if I'm just in our garden then I don't wear one because I'm only out there for about 10 minutes. It's important to be aware of how long a lil puppy is out in the cold, and to make sure it's not too long so your lil pup doesn't get too cold. A coat is fantastic for this as it can lengthen walks in the wintertime. It's also essential to dry me off when we get inside, I have tufts of long fur and lots of snow had stuck to them, and all the moistness of it made me quite wet, but its essential to dry me off because it could freeze and having cold water near my skin isn't going to do me any favours, luckily I like the hair dryer, so always get a spruce with one when I get in!

This afternoon I'm going to be having a relax and then I know Igaboo will be taking me for another walk later on, just because it's cold doesn't mean you should lack a regular walking routine. My only trouble is I wanna be out in the snow all day it's so fun, I'm even naughty enough to not come when called like I normally would because of how fun snow is! I'm going for a snooze now and see what other Christmas decorations I can reach and destroy.....

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog

x x x

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Toy Thief!


Just a quick one to alert you to Igaboo, the toy thief. She stole all my toys and I had to fight to get them. Here's my evidence. Ooooo that naughty Igaboo!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog

x x x

Wednesday, November 24, 2010



hello again, today I have exciting news, I got microchipped today! And for the record, I did not enjoy it one bit.

It all started off with a routine visit to my vet to check my little puppy, baby teeth, as they are coming out, and whilst we were there Igaboo decided it was time for me to be chipped. The whole process took less than 30 seconds to do, but I did feel a little bit uncomfortable whilst doing it, Igaboo had to hold my body and then hold my head to one side whilst the mean (she's not nice anymore) vet lady put a needle in my nape and inserted the chip. I did squirm and whelped a little bit but as soon as it was over and I had a big cuddle from Igaboo, I was right as rain again like nothing happened. And then the biggest surprise, as we checked my teeth, another one fell out! I now only have one puppy tooth left, so soon I'll be a big doggie!

Igaboo thought the worst part was the needle, she don't like needles and nearly fainted and felt sick she told me, and she weren't even the one having it done! As we were walking home she promised to give my tooth to the puppy tooth fairy who will give me something special for it, and guess what?! When we got home I had some special puppy milk and even pate for my poorly teeth to munch on. I like the puppy tooth fairy, she doesn't make me have injections, or chips, or anything!

Other than all this I've been chilling really, the weather means my walking regime has changed a bit so I'm not out whilst it's too cold in the early morning and night, but I do have my coat now to wear, keeps me very warm and dry out in this November weather. I'm going to be pampered now with a bath and some cuddles to make up for my turmoil earlier, but the way I'm whizzing around the house you'd never know!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog

x x x

Monday, November 15, 2010

Abused? Moi?


Hello all, I'm a bit vexed today, well a lot vexed. Today some mean, evil person reported my owner to the RSPCA, reporting I was abandoned and mistreated. Igaboo was not happy. Enough said. The RSPCA are a wonderful charity that receives no government funding yet still venture out everyday to save animals in neglect and nasty places. We both love them, and help them by volunteering at rescue centres, sponsoring other pups and kits, and also donating to the charity, and although Igaboo was angry and upset about the visit, she understood they were merely doing their job and making sure I was ok, trouble is, by being reported falsely caused these two nice inspectors to be effectively wasting their time with me when they could of been with a real emergency.

Igaboo suspects who may have reported her, and maybe even understands their reasoning, but fundamentally she knows it was done through spite and malice. It was a horrible moment to open the door to them and nearly caused a full panic attack in my owner, but after letting them in, they were able to give me a cuddle and soon realised there was nothing wrong. Igaboo had to answer a few questions about how she looks after me, what she feeds me, how often we go for walks, as well as showing them around our home to prove I have a happy, safe environment, which I do! Igaboo would hate to lose me, and just the thought was enough to put her in tears, but the nice people from the RSPCA reassured her that she was doing a great job with me, except maybe giving me one or two extra treats than what I should have, but then noted on the amount of exercise I have, so maybe it's not too many treats!

So we passed our RSPCA inspection, something Igaboo would never like to have to do again, she loves me more than anything else in the world, and everything she does is in my best interests. Maybe the person who reported us was seriously concerned, maybe they have a problem with Igaboo, or maybe they are just horrid, who knows, but if that person is reading my blog biscuit about all their work today then at least you know it had a positive outcome, and I'm all well and fine, so please, stop worrying about me, Igaboo does a fantastic job, and worries enough for me so no else need to.

One lovely thing of our visit from them was whilst they wrote the notes and such, Igaboo was sitting with me on her lap, and looked down at me and said something, and I looked back up at her, the lovely thing was the reaction of the officers. They said how lovely we looked just looking at each other, pure innocent love between a pet an their owner. It really made Igaboo smile to hear a stranger, let alone an animal welfare expert, say such a lovely thing. So yes, me Dexy Do Dah Dog is fine, I'm safe, I'm happy, and the only thing I'm at risk from is being spoilt! Now just to calm Igaboo down with some cuddles, she is very angry, I'm much too young to repeat what she is saying!

Puppy Kisses and Love
Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Black Ops Dexy


The name's Do Dah, Dexy Do Dah, and this weekend I have been involved in some super secret things, so much so I now think I'm a spy dog! It all started when Igaboo wanted to go out, but also wanted to spend time with me, so how do you solve that? Well you sneak me in places I shouldn't be, luckily I'm only little and can fit into many small places!

Firstly I went into London to sniff and snuff around Westminster, those politicians smell fishy to me, I also made friends with a couple of coppers, they were very nice and had a pooch too! Amber was a huge doggie, and very well trained, I had a play with her, well, we made it look like play, but in fact she was divulging some important info on sausages and bones, I will never reveal her secrets! London was good fun and I got snuck into many places where doggies aren't allowed, we got caught once, but I turned on my Dexy charm and we were off for our next adventure!

I've also been practising the art of ambush, o it's such fun! I've been hiding behind my big toys, or behind doors waiting for Igaboo to walk past and then- Dexy Attack! I don't actually attack like a monster, I instead go in for the cuddle, or maybe even the sausage, ahhhh, sausages, if only it was a safe world for them we could all sleep easier at night, but whilst my beloved sausages are in peril I shall search, sniff and snuff them all out and save them....for my belly. I've also been trying out my ambush skills outdoors, especially in long grass, the other park doggies watch me like I'm a weirdo, but they'll be sorry when judgement day comes and they are not prepared as I am. I'm very proud of my ambush skills, I mean, I just disappear into my surroundings, my only question is how does Igaboo always find me? It's not like I'm a bright gold against green, actually, not too sure about that, I'm colour-blind!

Other missions I've been doing is internally monitoring, I've learnt to climb as well as a mountain goat and can get onto the front windowsill, so now when Igaboo goes out on a personal mission without me I can sit and keep guard for any sausage bandits, that's me doing it in the picture, I don't know why Igaboo finds it so funny on her return to see me there, does she not know of the dangers of the world?! She is a bit ditzy and forgetful, maybe the enemy is using mind wipe techniques on her? Maybe that's why she forgets her keys in the door all the time, luckily due to my new advantage point I can alert agent Igaboo to her silly ways, she really must stop doing that or the sausage bandits may get me, not that I'm scared, I'm just only brave behind closed doors!

I also went round a few friends houses and practised my black ops skills there too, managing to open doors and break into other rooms to suss out some sausage munching, when my interviewee refused to concede some sausage, I tried some dirty tactics, sitting on their lap, licking their chin whilst they tried to play a silly computer game, although the game was giving me new ideas, need some camo uniforms and a big gun, but how would I fire it without thumbs? I'll check with intelligence for that, anywho, after clearing their areas I was off back home on the bus, but never relaxing, o no, I kept my eye on everyone on the bus, you never know who could be an agent! On getting home I had to survey the area to find any suspect morsels, none to be found, until I go to inspect my food station and find some yummy pate in my bowl, just a quick check for tampering and it was safely filed away in a secret location (my belly).

This morning I had my latest mission, sneaking into Tesco to have a full English breakfast with Agents Igaboo and Spencer, I got snuck in via a large bag and was hidden under the table and fed sausages and bacon, this was a very important mission, I had heard rumours of a Tesco- Sausage bandit alliance, but due to the taste I think they're alright, it was all going well and to plan until I broke my cover and dived under another table when I saw a piece of sausage fall, could this of been a message to the enemy, or simply carelessness, either way, Dexy Do Dah was on it. Unfortunately blowing my cover meant my other agents needed to evacuate the canteen, exposed identities could be dangerous, on leaving I interrogated those bananas that wear pyjamas that always seem to be loitering outside Tesco, sad to say, they gave me the slip!

That's my secret missions for now, I have a few more to do today, I'm going to a special celebration for other brave people who without them we wouldn't have our country and freedom like we do today, Igaboo's Great Grandfather served in both big wars, and so we are going to investigate a remembrance ceremony, hopefully I'll get some good tips off the real hero's, and I love poppies, mine looks really pretty on my collar. So lets keep all this secret sausage for now, and I'll warn you that this blog biscuit will self destruct in 5 seconds...... not really, the most dangerous thing you have to worry about with me is an ambush of puppy kisses!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Doggie M.O.T.


Hi y'all! Wow what a busy week I've had, been out lots and been doing lots to grow up healthy and strong, one important day was my pamper day where Igaboo joked she was putting through an M.O.T.! I had a very special day where I went to the dog grooming parlour and also popped into to see my nice vet lady for a general check-up. I'm nearly 5 months old now so Igaboo felt I needed to, especially since I had big first this week- I lost my first puppy tooth! My main canine tooth on my left side has gone, it's a bit weird and made eating hard to begin with, and also a tad of drooling, but my owner made a special pate for me and said it was the doggie tooth fairy, you humans are so strange with your little traditions.

Anywho, I had my visit to the groomers, which I both liked and disliked, it was lovely being pampered for the day, but being left in a strange place with people I didn't know was a bit unsettling. I had the full puppy treatment and got shampooed and blow dried, had a hair cut, a manicure and a general tidy up with my eyes and ears. The parlour was even good enough to express my anal glands which is necessary for a pooches health, but I'm a lady so I'm a going to go back to the pampering things! My owner was swoon over when she came to collect me and found me sitting behind the glass all spruced up, and the groomers were even so nice to put a matching pink bow on my collar to finish my look! Having a thorough clean was fantastic as I was in need of it, especially my nails, something only an experience owner should attempt to remedy, and the best thing is I came out smelling like a blueberry! Being at the groomers was a fun but weird situation for me, and because of this I fell asleep on the journey home when I normally look out of the bus window, little did I know we weren't on our way straight home...

That's because my next stop was the vets, which actually I quite like, I love attention you see, and they are all so nice there to me and give me cuddles. I only went in to have a check-up and to make sure my first lost tooth was ok, I also had another injection (even though Igaboo promised no more for another year) to defend me against another nasty disease called Parco. Whilst at the vets I had a good once over and everything about me is perfect, except my ears. Due to the shape of them it is easy to get dirt and dust in them and this had built up and gave me some waxy ears, nothing major or painful, all I have to do is be good and let Igaboo give me ear drops, which I like now because I always get a treat afterwards! So now I'm nearly 5 months I know I'm all healthy and vaccinated for all I need to be and I also have my appointment booked to be microchipped soon, o it's so hard growing up into a big doggie!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Dexy Does... Stay!


hello, another exciting addition to my Dexy Does... series today, one you'd think was simple, but is actually quite hard for a pup to grasp, and that is the art of stay. The trick of stay is a helpful one to command, it can stop a pup getting hurt, put more control in an owners life, and also provide a helpful tool when an important task is afoot! The only reason it's one of the hardest to learn is because of the lack of an instant reward like with most other commands, so a pup must learn to do it all by oneself, so expect it take longer than other commands for me to understand.

Tone of voice is the key to stay. Igaboo, my owner, only uses a strict tone when she commands it, whilst other commands are more friendly toned and higher pitched. She started by doing room to room, so she would go into the kitchen, tell me to stay there and then walk into the lounge, every time I followed her she put me back and tried again, eventually I learnt to stay, making sure I knew sit was essential for this too. Once I leant the basic notion we moved on to more advanced training which involved asking me to stay in the park and her walking away and calling me from a distance and also getting me to stay on my cushion when Igaboo goes out without me to stop me rushing outside too. Like always, patience is the key, try and try again and your pup will learn, just remember the command should be firm and you should only just say the command word and no other gossip!

Training stay with two people is a lot easier, one person can hold poochy and one can command, it's easier because obviously your pup can't escape and not stay, but also because you can reward your pup on the right behaviour at the time. The only trouble with this method is the fact when your pup is expected to stay by themselves, you may find yourself needing to top up their training to ensure they know how to do this too.

So that's it for stay, it all depends on your pup's personal intelligence, and it's definitely one that younger pups will struggle with due to their need for company and hyper ways. Igaboo remembers the first time I stayed properly without any effort, she was going out and just before she left she asked me to, and I did, she was so proud and happy but couldn't show me, so when she came back I got a super treat of some posh pate and cuddles! I stay every time she asks now, I wonder why...

Next time on Dexy Does... I shall be looking at baths, a worry for some pups and owners alike!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Dexy Says Relax!


Hi again! Today I'm going to be having a sniff and snuff around the subject of hyperactivity, that's when I run around and around like a fruit loop, woof needlessly and can be quite the destructive pup! Hyperactivity may seem like you're dog is happy but in most cases it can be because your pup is bored or not being fulfilled in some way. I use to be hyper most of the time, but now I have certain triggers or points of the day when I go a lil loco!

You may wonder why it's necessary to quell hyper behaviour, I mean, what's wrong with a mad puppy?! Well yesterday my owner was on a Disney film marathon after getting Beauty and the Beast to watch, all well and good, but unfortunate to her the film ran into my hyper time! Igaboo works hard to obtain a routine for me, and at certain times of the day it is madness time, where I'm encouraged to run and play and be my usual fruit loop, if I'm like this at other times she will ignore the behaviour until I calm down, but because her relax time had crept into my mad time she couldn't watch her films until my needs had been addressed. That's why it's good to be in a routine with your pooch, without one, you'll find it very hard to relax and sit back with a cuppa tea without a dog scooching about and ultimately annoying you. It's also not fair to have your pup expect something like a good playtime for an hour like usual and not provide it, scatty behaviour on your part will lead to scatty behaviour on my part!

Other reasons I could be hyperactive could be because something has spooked me- like the post, so we now have a box to stop me attacking those enveloped intruders, I can be hyper too if I haven't had enough exercise and a proper stimulating walk, so make sure I get both of those boxes ticked. Some pups are docile so you might not have a hyper pup to live with, but if you do just look for what triggers it and find ways to overcome it. I always get hyper when we have visitors, most people don't mind this, but some don't want a lil pooch jumping all over them, and some little people can be scared by me jumping at them, so whenever people pop over I get a hard rawhide bone which I show off proudly to our guests and promptly munch on it quietly on my cushion, although some of our guests like winding me up when I'm hyper but Igaboo always makes sure it becomes a structured game or activity that makes me learn and think, but more importantly calms me down.

Basic hyperactive behaviour can just come across as annoying or amusing to an owner, watching me run about in circles, chasing invisible cats, barking to thin air, but the most important reason to try and make it more structured is because I could really hurt myself doing it. My owner has watched me fall down the stairs, mistime jumps and also run straight into things, on all occasions I was whimpering and whelping but luckily it was nothing more than superficial, I also once got so excited that I tripped my owner when she was carrying a hot drink and both of us got a little burnt, I now steer clear of people holding cups! So just be careful with hyper behaviour and remember it may be fun to observe but it normally means your pup is unhappy about something and also could harm your pup as they rush about in their own mad mood.

By the way the picture is me in the middle of a manic episode, I like to dig the duvet until Igaboo's nicely made bed is one big mess!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x

Monday, November 01, 2010

Happy Halloween!


Hello everyone! May I wish you all a happy Halloween and hope you all had fun scaring each other and having yummy treats! I celebrated in many ways, I went on a spooky trail through some woods, went to a party and also took part in a Samhain ceremony. I did even have my own witch outfit to wear, but I found it much more interesting to chew and play with it, so Igaboo gave up on me wearing it, she also dressed as a witch for our party, I didn't like the face paint she was wearing because it wasn't nice to give her any puppy kisses! I did manage to behead a werewolf though at the party, very strange, found a human inside it...

Halloween is very fun, and I liked all the dressing up and things to play with, it's true meaning is deep in the pagan belief system which I enjoyed celebrating too, fundamentally though, in today's times it's all about being scared. So I am using it as a basis to look at puppy frights and how to help your pup to be a brave lil soldier.

A few things scare me, lots of things use to scare me, it's all about understanding what it is and to tackle it so I'm not scared any more. A big one that use to scare me was the sound of motorbikes, I would tremble every time one went past, so Igaboo and I spent time just walking up and down busy roads to get me use to the sound, I don't even notice them going past now. She says the trick is to not reward my fear, so whenever she notices I am scared by something she reassures me with a friendly voice, but no physical contact, this is because by petting me you will affirm that I should be scared and then I'll never get over my worries. When I was first brought home I was too small to climb the stairs properly, I remember I got stuck half way up one day and I found that scary, but all Igaboo did was sit at the bottom and encouraged me down, by making me stand up to things I am scared of will build my confidence and make me more independent. It all depends on your pooch's particular fears, but these are the best two methods of helping them overcome it, either expose your pup to what they fear until it becomes a background appearance or make them tackle fears head on to build up courage, which ever you choose make sure it is the safest option for the specific situation.

At the moment I'm a little scared by fireworks, I've never heard them before and my owner tells me it's common to hear them in abundance now. When I'm at home my owner always makes sure I have background noise in way of a television or some music, this is good to have as it drowns out the sound of any bangs outside. The real problem is when I'm out walking, whenever I hear one I go a bit skittish on my lead, I jump around, try and get Igaboo's attention, stop walking, and can pull off sharply. None of this is good because it could mean I could hurt myself whilst out, what my owner has taken to doing is to sing to me when they are going off and she slows down the pace of walking, having the verbal reassurance which is toned to be friendly and fun, and by slowing down I relax because it's all behaviour that means there's nothing to be afraid of. Igaboo does feel silly singing quietly to a dog, but then I've noticed her talking to herself all the time, but hearing your owners voice is always comforting.

A truly happy pup should only be scared of things that could cause harm to them, irrational fears and phobias will only hinder a pooch and their dog days. Some will take time to eradicate, some will go without trying, just always look out for triggers and nip them in the bud as soon as you see anything, and as for Halloween frights, well, we all like a good scare every now and again, just remember your pets, but then we do have to deal with you everyday first thing in the morning....

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Dexy Doooooooooo
(Will do anything for a Dexy Snax)
x boo x boo x

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Terror Tour!


Last night I had a fantastic night out trekking the streets of the East End of London on the trail of Jack the Ripper! How scared does Igaboo look?! It was very, very dark in some of the lanes, so it was hard to get a picture of me during it, but couldn't resist shaming my owner with her look of terror!

It was a walking tour around all the streets of Whitechapel exploring all the locations the Ripper struck and did his nasty things, we learnt all about the theories of who it could of been and about the lives of the victims. There were a few spooky places for me to investigate and I had a good sniff and snuff to see if I could crack the case myself, I even had a bark at a few shadows just in case the Ripper was still lurking there! The tour lasted about 2 hours and was all walking so not only was it interesting, it also gave me some good exercise, until it got too cold and Igaboo snuck me under her coat and scarf and then we stopped off at a nice warm coffee shop and her friend, Spencer, gave me some yummy whipped cream and warm milk whilst all the staff there gave me many much attention! Igaboo weren't that impressed with what I was drinking but couldn't stop laughing when I re-emerged from my treat with a face full of cream and attacked Spencer with puppy kisses!

All in all it was an awesome night out for this pup! It's good to explore new places and interact with new people, and I love riding the tube! It's all important stuff for building up my confidence and making me a sociable pup, I just love all the attention I get when I'm out, everyone thinks I'm soooo cute! Although I didn't crack the case and don't know who Jack the Ripper was, I still had a lot of fun and enjoyed trying to solve the case, dogs aren't normally allowed on the tour but they made an exception for me, so if you fancy going on one yourself with your pooch make sure they can go first.

Anywho, I'm off to do some more investigating now, see where that smell of sausages is coming from... must probe Igaboo on this matter! Elementary my dears!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Puppy Farms


Hello, no story about me today, instead I'm having a nose about the growing concern of puppy farms. These are horrible places where poor mummy dogs are kept in disgusting conditions and forced to bear litter after litter of puppies to supply to people, and more worrying, a large majority of pet shops. The Welsh government has announced plans to revise the Breeding of Dogs Act of 1973 to ensure all breeders in Wales are responsible, and more importantly that the dogs and puppies in their care are treated fairly and humanely, this is fantastic news due to a large proportion of puppy farming taking place in Wales.

A puppy farm is one of the worse places a dog could be in, most are dirty, damp, and also provide no outside living space, some farms have even been found to keep the poor animals in complete darkness all day and night long. Due to living conditions in these vile places disease and infection is rife, puppies are forced to live in cramped conditions, normally in small concrete cells, they live, sleep, and eat around their own filth as they have nowhere to escape it, this of course causes illness and many pups may not even survive their time there. Sadly, many puppies do die whilst in these horrid conditions, and if that wasn't awful enough, the lonely little bodies are normally left in the cells, that's right, not only do other pups have to deal with the filth, but they also have to comprehend the lost of siblings and live with their dead bodies in the tiny cages.

The puppies born into a farm really do not have much chance of a happy life, if one is lucky enough not to die or get very poorly from the conditions it's more than likely they will have psychological issues. This could range from severe aggression to complete fearfulness because the puppies are not use to the real world and have trust issues with humans as they have been treated so badly. Many farmed puppies also have underlying genetic health problems as the importance to ensure healthy breeding from the parentage is lacked and many genetic problems occur due to this. Some farms have been found to have over 150 animals on the premises, and once a mummy dog can't have any more pups they are usually abandoned or even worse, killed by the breeders, and that is not always done by putting them to sleep, I'll let you imagine the worse the breeders could do to kill a dog they don't want any more.

The most tragic thing of puppy farming is that it is not illegal. Anyone can start one up, and with clever administration run one of these evil places. Hopefully the Welsh assembly will pass the new legislation that would govern all breeders in Wales to register, have their dogs microchipped and also to have no one person in charge of more than 20 dogs. These are only small steps of course, but it's a start. It should announced in the next few days if their plans are going ahead, and if successful will be in practice by March next year.

Hopefully this has explained a bit about the horrors of puppy farming, and one day I'd like to see it banned completely, no pup should live like that and it makes me feel very lucky to have the life I have. Things we can all do to help it along is to not buy from these breeders or pet shops, if you want a puppy find a small breeder or rescue centre, if buying from a breeder always see the mummy dog with her puppies, and if possible their daddy dog too, also check the Kennel Club to ensure that if you're buying a pedigree then that is what you are getting. I've added a link to this blog biscuit to the Puppy Love Campaign who are a charity fighting the puppy farms, it has a lot of information and news on the subject, it also includes leaflets and posters for you to pass around to others to spread the word of this heinous world of puppy farming. As their campaign motto says- We have a choice, they don't.

Puppy Love and Kisses

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x

Please help in anyway you can, thank you :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dexy Does... Walkies!


Hello! Sorry it's been so long, been a busy pup! So I return with a new Dexy Does.. all about the art of walkies. Igaboo, my owner, was very silly when she first got me and thought as a dog I would naturally walk happily on a lead, well, she learnt that's not true, walking your pooch is a skill you need to teach us pups, and the key to happy walkies is the key to good exercise and stimulus for me.

The first thing you need to consider is the lead, I have a puppy lead and collar, but there are many varieties of leads out there and also harnesses; which can be better with larger breeds. Make sure the lead is safe and secure and wont snap, and also is not too long that your furry friend can get away from you at a distance. When placing a collar on, ensure there is a gap between my neck and collar, about enough to put a couple of fingers between. A great idea to get me use to my new collar is to make me wear it all day around the house, once I'm use to it, you can leave it off.

The important thing to consider with walking your do is the pack mentality we have. It's all about being alpha, so is that you or is that your dog? To provide you with the status of top dog, you need to lead the walk, so start off right by leaving the house first and letting your dog follow you out. By letting a dog lead you in any capacity will lead the lil pup to think they are the alpha to your beta and try and take over your pleasant walk. The pack mentality will compel me to explore the area and also look out for danger, and the more I feel that I am the alpha the more tense and anxious I will be to ensure I am keeping you safe, and ergo, not enjoying of benefiting from my walk.

When out walking, choose a trick word to get me walk, my word is 'come', say it in a pleasant voice and spur me on, never drag me if I don't walk at first because this will only cause me to resent or fear walkies. Keep the length of the lead so I can heel to your ankles, like I said before, I should not be leading the walk because then I will be too preoccupied to benefit, keep talking to me and try not to stop too often, I may be naughty and try and jump at you and wrangle your legs with my lead, but persevere with discipline and verbal cues, and eventually you'll have a pup walking along happily alongside you.

Spatial awareness is very important to consider when out walking your pup, you must look out for hazards and potential dangers for my safety. The big one is roads, train me to stop at all roads, regardless of traffic conditions, and one thing my owner has taught me is when we are crossing a road she uses the word 'quick' to make me walk faster over it whilst picking up her own pace. Also be aware of other dogs being present when out on an adventure, most dogs you will meet will be friendly, but it is important to make sure first. Beware cyclists on paths (very dangerous if you ask me!) and also children, as their behaviour can be scary or exciting. Another thing to be alert to is litter on the streets, I have had many great finds removed from me as some things I find on the street are dangerous to me, so be vigilant to what your pup picks up along the way!

Walkies are an essential contribution to your poochy's health, it provides excellent exercise to keep me fit and all my joints get a good workout, it also provides mental stimulation that I may not receive whilst at home, it's a great way of interacting me with other people and dogs so I'm a nice sociable pup and best of all it provides a real good bonding experience between us. My owner loves going for walks with me and we walk about 3 miles everyday at least! I was a nightmare to walk first and it was frustrating but now I am a happy pup that skips along with my owner and love going on my many adventures with her!

Hope that helps with walkies! On my next Dexy Does... I shall be looking at the art of training stay. I have just mastered it myself to the point where I return to a specific spot when I have to stay in particular places, at this rate I'm going to need a doggie diploma! Tail wags for now!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x

Monday, October 04, 2010

Indoor Fun & Games


Hello everyone! Today Igaboo and I are going to suggest some indoor games to play with your puppy to keep us occupied since we can't spend lots and lots of time outdoors anymore. My owner is needing to keep me entertained because I've been rather naughty lately and been having fun shredding anything through the letterbox, choosing to scratch at things I shouldn't and trying out for the X-Factor with my glorious singing voice at the strangest times at night. I also have to be careful because my owner has hurt her wrist again, and the bandage is so tempting to gnaw on but it hurts her and could cause an infection. So here are some games to play indoors, that will keep me entertain, uses my brain and also gets some extra exercise in.

Ball Of Wool
This game is great fun, all you need is a ball of wool that has some wool loose but the rest secured into it's ball. Ok, sit on the floor and using the loose piece, start spinning the wool around you and I'll start spinning around you too! Once you have me chasing, change the direction you go round, and then speed it up until I can't see it anymore but assuming it's just around you. Once you have me chasing the shadow, wait until I'll behind you and hide the ball on your lap, I go round a few times without realising I'm not chasing anything anymore! Let me find it, give me love and start again!

Hide & Seek
A super simple game involving any of my toys-especially great if you have to leave me at home by myself. All you need to do is hide some of my favourite toys or treats about the house, could be anywhere from behind doors, behind the sofa, and/or up high on the stairs. I love going for an investigation and I eventually find all my things, it's a great way to hone my sniffing skills and keeps me occupied whilst you're gone, and when you get home, I'll proudly show you all my finds!

Indoor Fetch
As it says, like fetch, but indoors! Ping pong balls are great for this game as they can't damage anything they strike and their bounciness is super awesome to chase around and try to catch. My owner throws them all over the place and gets me running around like a fruit loop all around the house, she even confuses me by throwing two balls at once, or only pretending to throw it, fetch is one of my favourite games in the whole wide world!

Hide The Treat
This is a great way to test my mental ability, all you need is a few plastic cups/boxes and some treats, and all you need to do is hide a treat under one of them and let me try and find it! Mix it up and play along yourself like you are doing a magic trick, swap the cups over, try and distract me, but then see how quickly I can find it-I always do!

So there are four of my favourite rainy days games. Of course, my owner plays with me in a lot of different ways and is always getting me different toys to play with too. Rainy days are no fun for anyone, so maybe instead of just playing, use the time to train me some obedience tricks, just as long as I am kept entertained and feel loved I will be one happy pup!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x

Thursday, September 30, 2010

O Sunny Days!


Hello again, I hope you're enjoying the Autumnal sunshine today, I'm loving it! Yesterday was so cold and wet I barely went outside, I don't like walking in the rain, so my owner had to drag me along to make sure I got my daily dose of exercise, but I don't think she liked it much either! Never mind because today is lovely and sunny and warm, and here's a picture of me in my favourite park enjoying being off lead this morning, I love sunny days!

Now the seasons are changing it's important to take you pooches needs into account. As a small puppy, and because I'm going through the uglies I'm going to need a coat soon, which my lovely owner is making me, if she ever stops adding details and ribbon! It's good to invest in a waterproof coat for your pooch, they are available all over the place, so choose the one that is best suited to your pet's needs. I mean think about it, you go out wearing a nice warm coat, so us pups need the same!

Footwear is another thing to think about, especially when ground frost starts setting in. Big dogs should be fine in such weather, but little paws could end up getting frost bitten or causing me to dislike walking in cold conditions, making getting my exercise difficult. So I'm eagerly awaiting some matching booties for my coat (hint hint Igaboo my owner!) so when it does get icy and maybe even snowy I can be safe and protected from the elements.

Just remember us puppies aren't fashion accessories, it may be fun to dress us up, but if that's all you want to do; go get a Barbie doll! Clothes for dogs should be practical or for special occasions, and if your pup doesn't like wearing them, then don't make us, find alternatives and middle ground so my welfare is considered but also my feelings.

I'm off to enjoy the sunshine some more now before it starts raining again tomorrow, go have a run around outside, as mad as a fruit loop, trust me, it's great fun!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Moving Mania!


Howdy pooch pals! Today I found out I have a new home to move to, I'm very excited! My owner is a bit worried about how I will adjust so she has started to make plans and organising me so it wont be so traumatic or confusing for me. Over 30,000 pets can go missing when people relocate, and it can be a stressful endeavour for even the most stable of animals, so today I shall share some advice on the process of moving to make it a happy time for you and your pooch.

Try and spread out packing your things over a prolonged amount of time, this way there isn't panic and haste in the few days before moving, and this is as good to us pups as it is for you! My puppy things should be the last things you pack, so I have all my home comforts and I wont get too stressed when I can't find my favourite toy, or my nice bed to snooze in. If you can, familiarise me with the new area I am moving to, this way I'll know the streets and won't be too shocked by the loss of my favourite lamp post or park, research the area and plan some nice walks for me to go on with you once we've moved.

On the day of moving you have to be very careful not to stress me out, it will be very confusing having all the things I know being moved out of my home, so maybe keep me in a certain room all day and make that the last room you empty, or better still, send me to visit one of my friends so I have a day of fun and don't even know about it all. When introducing me to my new home, make sure it is pup safe, and thoroughly clean it so there are no smells of previous owners or pets to distress me. Keep me on my lead and walk around the new home letting me smell things and investigate my new pooch pad, put my bed in it's place that you want it to stay in, and also place my food and water bowl in their permanent home, and don't move it once you have established yourself, I need routine and structure to be happy.

Once you're all settled after moving, during my first night make sure I have all my favourite things, spoil me and give me a lot of attention, just make sure I know this is a happy and safe place we can live together in. Give me my favourite food for dinner, so in my case some sausages, and be ready for accidents like house soiling. You may have to revisit house breaking training to establish the boundaries of my new home. Just think how confusing it is for you to be in a new home, so consider my feelings, but at the same time don't let bad habits develop because of it.

So that's the things you need to remember when moving a pooch. I can't wait for our first proper home together, and my owner is strong enough now to not need to be in and out of hospital so she is very excited too! She can't wait to be there for me everyday and I love being around her, regardless of her problems, she has worked very hard to keep hold of me and I am very grateful for her efforts, she needs me and I need her!

Ok, so I'm off to help do some packing and sorting, although I'm more of a pest taking things out of boxes as my owner puts things in, but I shall let you all know how the move goes and keep you all updated on it.

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dexy Does... Sit!


Hello! An exciting start today of Dexy Does... blog biscuits. In these I shall explain the simple wonders of training pups all the important tricks! So for my début Dexy Does... I am going to teach you lovely people the art of sitting!

First of all choose your command word and stick to it, obviously 'sit' is the most practical, but you can choose any word you like, just make sure it is a clear, concise syllable sound that cannot be confused with another command word. Once you have the command word set, you can also try using hand gestures to convey a trick, but that is advance puppy training! So let's just stick with a word for now.

Ok, now you know the command word you're going to use, add one puppy, preferably a calm one, too much hyperactivity and I'm not going to learn anything! Right, so you have your word, your puppy, and now the magic ingredient- a yummy treat! Incentive to do something is crucial for a puppy, we are fickle, simple creatures really, so find a treat that works for your pooch and use this specific treat solely for the use of training, so no sneaky nom noms just because I'm cute!

Lets go then, first of all, come down to my level and hold the treat just above my little wet nose, not too low so I can just snap it away and munch, but not too high causing me to jump like a flea. Make sure I am concentrating on the treat, and slowly move it over my head towards my tail, and as you do say my name and then the command word, say nothing else but these two things, always in that order. You may need to try many, many times before I do actually park my tushy down, so every time I fail the trick, restart from the beginning, do not give in, or give me the treat until I have completed it. Then suddenly you will have that magical moment when I do actually sit, and timing on your part is the key, the second I move to sit, say just the command word (with glee!) and reward my treat to me, praise me with strokes, and then try again!

I'm not saying training is an instant thing, and my owner has spent weeks training me, but the important thing to remember is to be patient, reward my good behaviour, make sure your tone of voice is friendly but firm, and practice makes perfect! Once you have established the treat reward method, start only rewarding me with strokes, and once you have reinforced the command word, you can try using hand gestures, my owner has started this by saying my command word with her index finger on her left hand up. But make sure the basics are in place before moving on to advance training.

So there you are, the first Dexy Does... for you, next time I shall look at walking techniques, I'm still perfecting it all so I'll get back to you with that blog biscuit. Until then I'll keep you all updated with my puppy antics and pooch psychology as much as I can. And ooo! Look out for my 'Dr. Dexy' blog biscuits that will be coming soon about illnesses and diseases us pooches can get.

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x sit x sit x

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Separation Anxiety


Hello again! Today is a lesson about separation anxiety, I've mentioned it before, but today we're going to have big look at it as it's a very interesting trait us puppies have. Separation anxiety is a condition that affects a lot of pooches in many different ways. It's basic reasoning is as a canine I have a pack mentality, and you as my owner are in my pack, so when you leave me I fret because I am worried about my pack and need to know you are ok, quite sweet of me really, but quite frustrating for you!

First of all you need to look out for the signs, these may include me following you around the house, over excitement, self harming or feigning injuries, barking/whining, destructive behaviour, house soiling, and panic attacks to name just a few symptoms. The negative behaviour can be result of a change of routine, not use to being left alone, a traumatic event (i.e. thunderstorm etc), moving house, or because your pup has spent time in a dog home, but, with clever training and patience you can eliminate all problems and have a happy, self secure pooch that will be a joy to live with! You may think it's nice to have a pup so needing of your love and attention, but a puppy like that can't be a fully happy pup!

Next you need to know and understand your puppies triggers, so what sets off the negative behaviour traits? For most it is leaving us behind when you go out, or not being able to be right there next to you at all times when we are at home. So you need to address the issues and tackle them with a lot of patience!

At Home
When at home you have to make me understand that you do not want to spend time with me constantly. Give me toys to play with and try leaving me in another room, I will protest at first, but I will slowly learn, also ignore my hyper activities to get your attention, instead opting to only give me attention when I am calm, this will slowly reinforce in my little puppy head the behaviour you deem good and thus we both get what we want. Other things to consider are my boredom levels, make sure I have enough to keep me occupied or I will start being destructive and having a chew at things I shouldn't, Kong toys are a great mind exercise for pups, and some treats like pig ears are great because they take ages to eat. If I follow you around the house a lot just ignore me, hard I know because I'm so cute, but I need to know that you might love me, but you need a break sometimes too!

On Leaving
Now, I have this very bad habit of getting very excited when my owner is about to leave, it triggers when I see her get her shoes on, or pick up her keys, or puts on her coat. My owner use to take me everywhere with her, but as I've gotten bigger, and was starting to develop bad habits and an over attachment to her, she has started leaving me at home sometimes. The trick she has learnt is to just put on her shoes and walk around the house in them, put on her coat and sit and read a book next to me, and holding her keys, just holding them, at first we both thought this was very strange, but I'm starting to not notice now when she does any of these things, so when she does do it to leave me, I'm not really that bothered. This is good as well for when I go on walks, because it means I'm not over excited before I leave so I get the full benefit of my exercise. When you return after leaving me, also remember to not give me attention straight away, come in, take off your coat, put the kettle on perhaps, and then greet me once I have calmed down.

Separation anxiety is something you need to address as soon as it flares up, otherwise it's harder to crack the bad behaviour. It does take a lot of time and patience to tackle it, and you wont see any positive results of it for a few weeks, but eventually you and your pup will have an understanding that's secure and both of you can enjoy each other's company. It may feel like you're punishing us pooches, but it's merely reinforcing positive behaviour and ignoring the bad, because hyperactivity and needy behaviour does not mean your pup is completely happy.

Hope that helps, today I got a new wind up mousie to play with and a lovely pink bed to sleep in, both thanks to my owner's mummy, many tail wags and puppy kisses! So I'm off to chase my mousie and once I'm all pooped out, I'll test out my new bed. Stay happy folks!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x

Friday, September 24, 2010

Puppy Changes


Hello again! Do you like my montage of pictures? They show how much I have changed since my owner got me! I was once a small ball of fluff, and now look at me, my colour has changed, my fur looks different, and just look at my big ears! At 3 months old I'm starting to go through the dreaded stage of the Puppy Uglies! (I'm still cute though regardless of what it is called!)

Most pups experience the uglies from about 3 months old, and all it is about is my puppy coat growing out and my big doggie adult coat growing in. I've only just started the transition myself so my coat's still soft and silky, but I do have random balding patches and random tufts of long fluffy hair. My colour is also changing, and I'm getting light blonde highlights on my shoulders and scruff of my neck, and I'm also developing black tipped fur along my back and on my tail. At one point my belly and chest looked completely bald, but now I have some soft white hair growing and it causes a mohican along my chest of fluffiness!

It's completely normal for doggies to go through this stage, it can be extreme or mild, some people may not recognise their little pooch pal, whilst others wont even notice a difference. Just like my teeth, the fur I was born with was only my puppy fur, and before I can be a big doggie I need to grow a thick, warm coat, especially now Autumn's here, so it's a case of out with the old, in with the new! As an owner you need to remember to brush me daily to get rid off the loose hairs, make sure I'm nice and clean from bathing me and to not worry, give me a year and it'll be settled down and my regular doggie coat will be here to stay, and then I should only shed profusely around Springtime to be ready for Summer.

Just remember it's normal, and it's not something wrong with me! Things you can do to help is to feed me a proper diet to give me all the nutrients I need to grow strong and healthy, and also supplement my diet with things like cod liver oil or Greek yoghurt, both help puppy fur to be soft and silky. I'll have to see how I go, who knows what I'll look like in a months time?! My owner can't wait to find out, she loves me regardless of how I look, which is a very important thing to take heed to, because yes, puppies are super cute and adorable when you first get us, but we do grow up, and you should love your pup whatever they grow up into, it's so sad when people lose interest in things they once proclaimed to love, all because they think they have changed too much or aren't the thing they thought they were.

Anywho, that's my chat for today, time for my walkies I think. Hope you all have a lovely day and I'll speak to you all soon! Woof woof!

Puppy Kisses and Love

Dexy Do Dah Dog
x x x